We want you !


Are you a scientist/researcher figuring out how to bring to life your ideas? If you have an idea to solve a menaningful problem we want to know you. We can help you with everything you need to create your first working prototype or MVP, and a sustainable business around it. Wherever you are located, let's talk. We are more than happy to welcome you to Luxembourg.

Are you a curious person who enjoys entrepreneurship and creating value? We also want to hear from you. We are always looking for profiles to complete our teams.

Crossing the valley of death

We are experts in crossing the chasm. It is our natural habitat: LIST Ventures supports its companies throughout their entire journey. From the conception of the idea, through the development of the MVP, the product-market fit validation, as well as in the development of new technologies once the startup is fully detached. We offer direct access to one of the best research funds in Europe, the FNR (National Research Fund) in Luxembourg. They will provide us with the funds to develop your idea. Furthermore, we have cutting edge facilities in Biotech, Space, Materials, Data Analytics, etc. that will allow us to develop MVPs or prototypes in a fast and efficient way to test them with the market as soon as possible.

Osawa and Miyazaki, 2006


Become a venture scientist

Submit your project idea


Can I apply if I have already created the company?

It depends. Setting up the company in Luxembourg is an essential requirement for us since our main goal as a Deep Tech Venture Builder is to support Luxembourg's socio-economic development. Furthermore, we also prefer to start the collaboration from the idea and technology development until the market positioning. But, said that, we still have two options whether you alread have your company up & running: (1) Launch a new joint-venture in Luxembourg if new (and substantial) tech developments are carried out (we already did it in the past with other startups) or (2) Collaborate in the development of a new tech product. We have many partnering programmes that might be interesting to explore with an impressive funding support from Luxembourg's National Research Fund (https://www.fnr.lu/).
The process we follow is very simple. We usually start defining what we call the problem-solution-impact approach. Then we validate all the hypotheses with potential customers. Develop a first MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and start the iterations with customers to fine-tune the solution so it perfectly matches the problem we are trying to solve. After this proces, we start the incubation phase (12-24 months) to grow the business. During this period, LIST Ventures will work hand in hand with you offering help and support in Marketing (website, video, brochures, etc.), Sales, Finance, IP, Legal, etc.
LIST Ventures’ team is a full-time co-founder on each project. It takes around 24 months for a company to settle in a market. During this period, LIST Ventures is committed to the project and the founding team, working on product design, strategy, go-to-market strategy, fundraising, etc. The final aim of this process is to help you become autonomous on all these dimensions. We act as a co-founder involved in every aspect of the company.
We are a very “picky” Venture Builder. We prefer to choose very few projects, and ensure they are perfectly aligned with our technology background or research lines. This means around 1-2 startups per year.
Yes, you can. We usually have fresh ideas in the pipeline, and it’s good to have people ready to start building a founding team for a new spin-off project.
It depends. If we are talking about IT it can take from 3 months up to 1 year. For Biotech we can talk about years (our las Biotech spin-off spent 10 years in the technology development with several iterations/upgrades along the way). Then, we must validate the product-market fit, and this takes again some time since the first iteration with customers never works as expected (I know you think your case is different, but trust us, it never works as expected the first time).
We will set up a weekly meeting with you and your tech team although we will always be available in case of unexpected fires (that will happen). We usually arrange the meetings on Mondays or Tuesdays to do a recap of the previous week and set new goals for the current one. As you can see, we are in love with OKRs/KPIs and a clear assignment of tasks.
We have a high success rate, with survival rates close to 90% after 3 years.
We usually take a small equity stake in the company taking into account all the investments we carry out in technology development (years). On top of that, and to compensate the IP expenses, we also ask for a royalty rate on the licensed technology. But do not worry too much on this aspect because we take many things into consideration. Our main goal is to create successful deep tech startups in Luxembourg.
We keep the ownership because it's not easy for a startup to manage IP portfolios. We have a dedicated team for this. However, since we know that this is a key point for investors, we also accept IP transfer clauses when certain conditions are met (i.e. in the case of an Exit/M&A).
Once the product-market fit is validated, we see steady revenue growth, etc. you are ready to go. Then you will be ready to jump to the next level and start an acceleration process at one of our partners' incubators or accelerators. There, the spin-off receives support for its acceleration phase. However, LIST Ventures will always remain available to continue supporting your spin-off in the development of new technologies, improving the existing ones, etc.